Exposure to sun rays for few time or long time leads to Congestion of blood vessels of Head & that’s leads to Throbbing pain, Vertigo, Heavyness, either associated with nose- bleed or heavyness of eyes.
It’s so much common that from children to old age, males & females,all suffer from this many times in their life.
It’s unbearable for many people esp in children – they become restless, irritable, or sometimes violent due to this pain.
It’s unbearable for many people esp in children – they become restless, irritable, or sometimes violent due to this pain.
Many times it gets decreased after long sound sleep but headache which is not getting better by sleep needs medication.
In homeopathy there’s treatment available for such kind of complaints.
Here are some remedies which will help you in headaches.
Final remedy & it’s potency should be selected by a Homeopath only.
GLONOINE :- Glonoine is the answer for most of the headache arising from Sun-Exposure , heat.
It’s written in Materia-Medica that Glonoine patient is so sensitive to Sun exposure that “They walks in Shades or with an Umbrealla when they go out.
It acts upon circulation causing congestion to head- Throbbing pain, sensation of pulsation throughout body & head.
Indicated in hyperaemia of brain from excess of heat or cold.
Worse by < heat of sun,
< Gas light,
< Fire heat,
<Increases & decreases with sun,
< Bright snow,
Better by > Appying Pressure ,
> Cold Application,
> Sleep
Along with that eyes may be sensitive to sun light, pain in eyes from sun light.
BELLADONA :- It’s a Headache Medicine Par Excellence. It stands for violence of attack & suddenness of onset. It covers all signs of Inflammation, hot, red skin, flushed face, dilated pupils, throbbing carodis.
Pains are same as glonoine – throbbing, pulsating, sharp pains.
Patient is sensitive to light, noise, jarring.
Congestive Headaches < heat of sun.
< motion
< draft of air
< washing hair
> Pressure
> Bending head backwards.NATRUM CARB :- Always think of this when patient has chronic effects of
Sun-Stroke, when every year in summer patient gets headache.
Patient suffers from headache not only after Sun Exposure but also from beggining of Summer.
Headaches < Hot weather
< heat of sun
< Gas light
< mental exertion.
With headaches associated symptoms can be Vertigo or Oversensitiveness to hearing. ACONITUM NAP :- Suddenness is key note of it. Usually we think of aconite in the complaints arising from Exposure to Draft of Dry Cold air but it’s also useful as well in complaints from Exposure to Sunheat & Hot Weather.
It’s an Acute remedy- also has more suddenness & violence than bella.
Headaches < Sun light
< Sleeping in sun
< warm room
> open air
Head is hot & burning sensation inside head as if boiling water inside it.
For sun stroke also useful.
Apart from Headache it also cures Summer Diarrhoea & heat rashes.
The keynote almost always present in patient is anxiety, fear or fright of many kinds.
BRYONIA ALBA :- Useful medicine when Days are Hot & Nights are Cold.
Sun Headache < Heat of sun
< Any kind of motion even motion of eyeballs.
< Ironing
> Bandaging
> Presuure
> Rest both Physical & Mental.
> Cold application
Headache associated with vertigo- which is worse on raising head when lying on bed.
Thirst is usually more for cold drinks.
It’s also indicated for Summer weather diarrhoea, esp when taken cold drinks in hot weather. Diarrhoea < morning.
LACHESIS MUTA :- a good constitutional drug, should be given only if other Generalities match with chief Complaint.
It’s esp female remedy in menopause age.
Female suffering from flushes of heat, menstrual problems.
She can not bear warmth in any form.
Talkative, jump from one topic to other, religious insanity & fixidity.
Suspicious & jealous.
All complaints worse during sleep.
During summer she suffer from Headache with glimmering of vision
< heat of sun
< warm room
< before menses
> after menses
Lachesis patient may also suffer from photosensitivity skin allergic reactions caused by exposure to sun, blackish discoloration of skin from sun rays.
SANGUINARIA CAN :- it’s other name “BLOOD ROOT” suggests it’s applicability in circulatory & congestive disorders. It’s useful in vasomotor disorders. Veins & temples are distended due to congestion.
Congestive Headache :- < Heat of sun
< increases & decreases with sun
< Fasting
< Menopause
<motion, jarring, light, noise
> sleep
> vomitting
> hard pressure
Bursting sensation everywhere, Headache extending & spreads from occiput to right eye.
ANTIUM CRUD :- it’s also useful in summer season very well.
Headache:- < Radiating heat
< overheating & overeatin
< cold water bathing
Headache associated with vertigo or noseblees, also indicated in Summer diarrhoea esp of babies after nursing.