Many people find it very strange that how in summer they get sneezing, cough and cold???

But it’s true that we all have different constitutions.
In some type of constitutions they suffer from cold and cough in every change of weather.
Don’t  worry here you will find it’s solution in homeopathy.


One of the best medicine for Coryza in Hot Weather.

Acute coryza with dull headache and fever, remedy for influenza also.

“Never  well since Influenza”

Coryza with thin watery discharge, Sneezing and fullness at root of nose.
Summer Cold
Sensitive to change of temperature, worse from damp weather, cold and hot weather. Change of seasons.

2) NAT- MUR :-

Sneezing  worse in SUNSHINE.
Colds begin with sneezing,  Fluent coryza with violent sneezing,   nasal discharge are thin watery.
Sneezing early in the morning.
Associated with this there can be loss of smell & taste.


This is the medicine best suited at the Beginning and towards  the Closure of Summer season.
When Change of weather from either hot weather to cold damp weather or vice versa dulcamara is useful.
When days are hot and nights are cold.
Thick yellow nasal discharge, stuffed nose in colds.
Profuse summer coryza associated with diarrhoea.


Indicated when days are hot and nights are cold.
Ailments from drinking cold drinks in hot weather.

Dry hacking painful coughs, pain in chest while coughing.
Chest Pain worse by any movment and better by applying  pressure.
Cough worse by eating or drinking must sit up at night.
Warm room, hot season triggers cough.

Associated  with this there will be Thirst for large quantities of cold water.


Indicated when rattling of mucus in lungs, patient not able to expectorate mucus.
Cough worse in  Sun , warm weather, warm room.
Loose, coarse, rattling cough. Cough followed by nausea or vomiting. Must sit up to breath.

Suffocative shortness of breath also for final stage of “Death Rattle”.
Bronchial tubes are overloaded with mucus and patient is not able to expectorate it.