It's very common thing we found in many people esp children & old age people.
Many people think that diarrhoea is a problem of monsoon season only but that's not so true.

During summer also due to extreme heat our body functions changes & our digestive functions also changes so gastric disturbance  like indigestion, acidity, vomiting & diarrhoea frequently occurs.

 Another reason for loose watery stools in summer associated with either fever, bodyache, nausea, cold & cough can be due to viral infections.
In India many festivals & weddings people enjoy in summer so that heavy food & irregularity in taking meals is also one of the cause for diarrhoea in medical term we can say food-poisoning , gastro-enteritis.

Another factor that plays major role is that people drink outside nonhygienic cold drinks, water & sharbats that are main source of cholera, typhoid, hepatitis(jaundice) etc.

so after brief view of causative factors it's your responsibility to try to avoid all that.

Homeopathy has many drugs which work in different conditions of summer diarrhoea.

A well known medicine for Diarrhoea.
It’s indicated in following conditions.

Profuse Diarrhoea. Stool is watery with jelly like mucus, Painlesss, Gushing, offensive.

Diarrhoea from hot weather, during teething, after acidic food, after fruits.
The best example we can give for Indians is 

Diarrhoea after
In Summer during wedding seasons we eat this kinds of  items and if any one suffers from diarrhea or indigestion after that then Podo will help him.
In KENT’S REPERTORY there’s rubric
Diarrhea –
             -- Fruits after
                    ---  Sour fruits with Milk after – podo.
Sometimes Constipation alternating with Diarrhoea. 
Prolapse of rectum may associated with Diarrhoea.
              < Early Morning,
              < Summer,
              < eating fruits,
As mention before it’s medicine for summer problems.
Dyspeptic ailments  during Summer Heat.

Stools are bloody, thick, sometimes watery mucusy.
            < Early morning,
           < from any kind of Motion & movment,
           < drinking cold drinks in hot weather.

Associated with this there can be Nausea and Faintness when rising up, bitter vomiting of bile and water. Indigestion in summer.
With this Thirst for Large quantities of cold water present.

ARS. ALB :– 
Most of us have experienced it’s ability and usefulness in conditions of gastro-enteritis, food poisoning etc.
Ailments from food poisoning, ptomaine poisoning, ice drinks, ice creams, spoiled vegetables, meat.

In dysentery Stools are watery, offensive, bloody, with burning pain.
Patient is very exhausted & weakness & prostration out of proportion of diarrhoea.

It affects mucous membrane of intestines.
Indicated in copious watery stools with much urging, then profuse sudden Gushing stools of water.

Constant urging to stool followed by sudden evacuations.
Swashing sensation in intestines.
             < Eating or Drinking least quantity food,
             < Summer.

Remedy of complaints from change of weather, after winter's cold suddenly heat
started during day time and also towards the closure of summer and beginning of
monsoon many people suffer from diarrhoea in this change –dulcamara is the drug.

Stools watery, mucusy, painful stools,
            < night,
            < summer,
            < cold damp weather,
            < change of weather.