Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eye Strain?

Now a days due to modern life style & increased use of  T.V., Computers, Laptops etc. problem of Eye Strain is very common.  Students, Readers, People involved in research work mainly complaints of Eye Strain and associated symptoms with it.
Any organ of body when used more than it’s capacity then certain symptoms it will produce. Like that in our busy schedule we often neglect  to take care of our eyes hence problems like eye strain, dryness of eyes, disturbances of vision, headaches, burning in eyes, light sensitivity etc are increasing.
Causes Of Eye Strain:-
1] Most common cause is overuse of eye muscles in watching T.V., Computer work, Microscope handling,  Video monitoring, Reading books etc.
2] If you are above the age of 40 year then Eye strain may also be a sign that you need reading glasses.
3] Some get Eye strain in Outdoors- it’s due to exposure to sun’s U.V. rays or some may get after exposure to Artificial bright light or Glare.
4] In certain diseases like an eye muscle imbalance, or in refractive errors this may happen.

Kindly Try These Tips :-

1} To give your eyes a chance to refocus and rest, once or twice in an hour take a five minutes break from whatever you are doing. close your eyes for five minutes and relax.
2} Second, Blinking is good Exercise.
3} Wash eyes once in an hour with tap water or you can use artificial tears to moisten your eyes and ease the strain.
Avoid Decongestants eye drops they will make your eyes dry- use only after consulting eye specialist.
4} Set good focus of light on the place where you are doing work or on your books. Don’t select dark colors for the walls of your study room or work place. If you are reading at a desk, use a shaded light positioned in front of you. The shade will keep light from shining directly into your eyes.
5} If sun light causing trouble then wear good quality sun- glasses.
6} When watching T.V. , keeping the room softly light may be more comfortable than having a high contrast between the T.V. screen and surroundings.
Certain small steps will help you.
1] Adjust your monitor – Research suggests that a distance of 35 to 40 inches is beneficial but atleast 20 inches distance is must between you & monitor.
2] Check the lighting & reduce glare. – bright lighting & too much glare can make it difficult to see objects on your screen & strain your eyes.
3] Adjust the contrast & brightness on the monitor to a level comfortable to you.
4] Keep your monitor screen clean. wipe the dust from screen as the dust on it may contribute to contrast problem.
5] Place the referance materials nearby – Place reading & referance materials on a document holder beside your monitor & at a same level and distance.

When to see a Doctor :-

If  above Tips don’t work for you then see the Doctor.
If  you are suffering from symptoms given below then see your doctor.
1] Eye discomfort
2] A noticeable change in vision
3] Double vision
4] Headache
5] Redness of eyes
6] Burning of eyes etc.
Try These Drugs for Eye Strain :-


It’s indicated when over-use of occular muscles. Pain in the eyes while reading.
Eye strain with headaches. Red, hot and painful eyes after reading fine print, sewing, overstraining eye muscles.
Disturbances of accomodation.


It’s indicated in bruised and stiff sensation in eyes, worse after reading, writing.
Along with that Photophobia worse Sunlight. Headaches in school children. Eyelids heavy, can’t read by artificial light.


A good Eye remedy. Indicated when there’s Red eyes & Burning of eyes present, Profuse lachrymation.
Spasm of ciliary muscles with irritability after using eyes, Twitching of eye muscles. Pain over orbits. 

Best medicine for children who have increasing Myopia.
Photophobia – Muscae Volitans with flashes of light,  dim vision.
Along with Medicines Eye Exercises are also necessary. Any Medicine must be taken after consulting your doctor. I hope this article will help you.
Finally some fun with eye strain problem... Just to Chill have a look below...